5 Famous Astronomers You Should Know…

Portrait Of Copernicus

1:- Nicolus copernicus (1473-1543)

Birth : Thorn, Poland

Copernicus busted the classical Greek theory of astronomy, which said the planets and celestial bodies orbited around the stationary Earth.

He is often called the “father of modern astronomy.”

His skeletal remains were excavated by archeologists in Poland several years ago, and are set to be re-buried under the altar of Frombork Cathedral.



2:- Galileo Galilei (1564-1642)

Birth:  Pisa, Italy

Galileo has also been given a paternal nickname, “the Father of Modern Science.”

Galileo as compare with Archimedes, Newton, and Einstein as one of the greatest scientists of all time. His discoveries, made with the crudest of equipment, were brilliant examples of scientific deduction. Galileo’s studies of natural laws laid the groundwork for the experimental scientists .


3:-Edmund Halley (1656-1742)

Birth:  London, England

Halley is best known for his studies of the comet that bears his name. He observed it in 1682, calculated its orbit, and predicted its reappearance

Halley was  friend of Isaac Newton, and it was at Halley’s urging and expense that Newton’s Principle, that formulated the laws of gravitation, was published. Halley was also an inventor; he built a successful diving bell and found a way to supply divers with compressed air. Diving Halley contributed to other fields as well, including meteorology, optics, magnetism, and mathematics.



4:-Stephen Hawking (1942—

Birth: Oxford, England

Stephen Hawking is probably the most famous physicist of all time after the Albert Einstein.Hawking’s A Brief History of Time: From the Big Bang to Black Holes (1988), which provides an overview of the origin and structure of the universe, was a best-seller.

He became known for his study of certain physical characteristics of black holes, work that led to greater understanding of the origin of the universe.

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5:- Sir Isaac Newton (1643-1727)

Birth:  Lincolnshire, England

In Newton’s view, gravitational force was everywhere, from an apple falling from a tree to the moon being kept in orbit by its mutual attraction with Earth.

His three laws of motion — inertia, acceleration, and action and reaction,remain a cornerstone of modern physics. His law of universal gravitation laid forth the theory that all particles in the universe exerted some gravitational force.

Newton’s conception of universal gravitation dominated physics for more than two centuries,before Einstein theory which altered this concept.